What a REAL FOREST FIRE Looks Like versus A DEW Driven Wildphyre

Real Forest Fire – Traditional, Natural
Note that Robert Brame notes that approximately ONLY 3% of fires that he has investigated are deemed (by him) as entirely natural, not man-made or influenced.
- Blackened “sticks”, burned bottom middle and stop, maybe half still standing, most if not all are thin, charred.
- Most if not all low ground cover and shrubbery burned down if not completely gone.
- Most if not all leaves gone.
- Raging fire with numerous flammable objects burning at once.
- Partial burns (meaning object is not reduced to white ash) are common amongst most objects; very few (except leaves, pine needles, etc) are burned to completion.
- Dense black, sooty smoke.
- Look of “Desolation”.
DEW Driven Wildphyre – Instigated and/or “helped along”
- Over all look of “war zone” or “bombed out” moonscape — these are common terms quoted by Zionic mass-media.
- Cremation of primarily structures and vehicles down to “insta-rusted” bare steel and white powdery ash, as if superheated in a crematorium.
- Top-first burns: Rooves, tree-tops or middles.
- Furious, intensely localized fires: one flammable object (one house, one vehicle) immolates, then the next, one after another.
- Complete immolation of flammable objects, few ‘partly’ burned, sooty or blackened remains; nearly everything is burned completely down to white ash.
- Initially and perhaps primarily white or grey smoke; black sooty smoke may indicate secondary natural (i.e., incomplete, and/or oxygen-starved) burning of materials.