Bel Air California 1961 DEW Wildphyre Attack

Bel Air California 1961 DEW Wildphyre Attack

They’ve been DEWing this to us for long time.

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Bel Air California 1961 DEW Wildphyre Attack

BELOW: DEW-specific warped, wilted steel girders, superheated by microwave energy blast(s).

20250115 082829

20250115 082915

10:50: “Once extinguished, they catch fire again and again.” — Evidence of superheated metals acting as fuels to ignite nearby combustibles.

20250115 083021

20250115 084137

Today’s “embers” were previously called “firebrands”.

20250115 084244

Firenados appear at 12:40.

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20250115 084810

19:20 “Why is a framework of bare wood left unharmed in a furnace of heat that crumbles masonry around it?”

“Why does the roaring fire suddenly stop in heavy brush as if cut by a knife?”

“Why do flames consume one house but spare identical dwellings on both sides?”


20250115 085141

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Dry hydrants at 23:00

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20250115 085727

Posted by WeKnowWhatYouDEW 9 months prior to LA wildphyres

BELOW: Then, as now, military guard.

20250115 095239

BELOW: Warped, wilted steel girder?

20250115 095303

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