Evidence of NEXRAD HAARP Area51 Involved in Malibu California FRANKLIN PHYRE
Evidence of NEXRAD HAARP Area51 Involved in Malibu California FRANKLIN PHYRE
Malibu Franklin Fire 2014-12 DEW PHYRE Analysis by Forensic Arborist Robert Braeme
Malibu Franklin Fire 2014-12 DEW PHYRE Analysis by Forensic Arborist Robert Braeme
This is what you will see as DEWs begin wildphyring the too wet for wildfires Mid Atlantic States
This is what you will see as DEWs begin wildphyring the too wet for wildfires Mid Atlantic States
Evidence that the Wildphyres Coming Soon to Too Wet For Wildfires Mid Atlantic States Will Be Caused by Microwave Weapons Attack
Evidence that the Wildphyres Coming Soon to Too Wet For Wildfires Mid Atlantic States Will Be Caused by Microwave Weapons Attack – Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) are so far beyond the possible comprehension (or even imagination) of most people that their use by the Powers That Mustn’t Be is inevitable. This post is attempt to document the kinds of damages that will be caused when DEW is used in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeastern USA in the near future.
Wildphyres in Mid Atlantic Region Soon Will Be Rampant Attacks on Middle Class Nov 2024
Wildphyres in Mid Atlantic Region Soon Will Be Rampant Attacks on Middle Class Nov 2024
Wildphyres in Washington DC area being normalized by Mass Media as Directed Energy Assaults begin targeting burning destroying Middle Class
Wildphyres in Washington DC area being normalized by Mass Media as Directed Energy Assaults begin targeting burning destroying Middle Class
Maybe someone could explain why the number of forest fires are growing globally
Maybe someone could explain why the number of forest fires are growing globally – look into DEW dir energy weapons, see particularly youtubes by PEGGY HALL HEALTHY AMERICAN and also forensic arborist ROBERT BRAEME — explains everything