Is Zionic Mass-media News Normalizing Wildphyres in SC
Proven Zionic Mass-media of course owned, controlled and bent to serve the Anti-Christ agenda.
WILDPHYRES site explores how too-lush, too-wet, too-green areas are being prepped by Zionic mass media to accept as normal wildphyres. Time to learn-up before They put Their Directed Energy Weapons to ignite and burn…
Wildfires are a recurring natural phenomenon in South Carolina, with the state experiencing varying frequencies and intensities over the years. Historically, the South Carolina Forestry Commission responded to 14,405 wildfires between July 1, 1980, and June 30, 1981—the highest number recorded in a 12-month period. In March 1985 alone, there were 3,724 wildfires, marking the most in a single month.
Typically, wildfires in South Carolina burn 20 to 30 homes annually, with hundreds more threatened each fire season. This underscores the importance of understanding wildfire behavior and implementing preventive measures.
As of March 1, 2025, South Carolina faced a significant wildfire outbreak, with over 100 fires igniting due to low humidity, lack of precipitation, and high winds. This led state forestry officials to impose a total ban on burning. The South Carolina Emergency Management Division reported more than 300 wildfires in February 2025, noting that wildfire occurrences are historically higher in March.
Michael Janitch, known online as Dutchsinse, is a YouTuber who discusses topics such as weather patterns, earthquakes, and alleged weather modification technologies. His content includes analyses of radar anomalies and theories on frequency manipulation of weather.