Re-understanding 1866 Portland Maine Cityfire Immolation as DEW Attack

Re-understanding 1866 Portland Maine Cityfire Immolation as DEW Attack

Same-old same-old hallmark destruction — structures cremated down to white ash right next to trees dried out (but not also incinerated) as if in a microwave oven. Their same-old script was played out again, with the cover-story lie of cigarette in wood chips igniting Hell.

The ruins looked like the WW2 aftermath ruins of the city of Dresden, Germany. — We already re-understand Dresden as another microwave DEW attack, with most compelling evidence of all corpses’ clothing intact and hair unburned yet flesh cremated down to white ash, having been super-heated and boiled from within.

Henry Wadsworth Longellow published that it reminded him of Pompei. Pompei seems likely another DEW attack, though perhaps in earlier history it was a solar blaster (possibly from a blimp / airship?) that may have been responsible for the beam weaponry.

Re-understanding 1866 Portland Maine Cityfire Immolation as DEW Attack

Re-understanding 1866 Portland Maine Cityfire Immolation as DEW Attack

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BELOW: 23:41 notice how the glass window panes resemble 911 WTC window panes — not shattered but rather FRACTURED, like microwaves do when injecting energy at molecular level, causing breaks at crystalline boundaries.

20250225 194156

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