Pacific Palisades DEW Hallmark Evidence
All the usual suspects are present again, just like at all other DEW attack sites.
“Sounds so much like the Lahaina “wildfires”, trees burn from within, cars melt with no fuel around, homes burnt to the ground even though the roof was fireproff, no water available, road blocks. Are you sure that officer Pelletier is not there?”
below: Traci at her friend’s house which most likely combusted in the phyre.
RE: Black vs Grey Smoke — A New Type of Fire
“14:57 “an explosion” and “a different type of phyre”. Notice the hallmark grey smoke. Organics, especially wet ones, burn black, sooty, unevenly, partially. Grey seems to indicate a microwave-assisted cremation is underway.”
RE: Usual Toasted Vehicles
BELOW: Everything “toasted” as usual, except the hood which is mainly untouched. Porsche has a rear-mounted engine, probably explaining the unmelted hood.
“At around the 21 min mark they show the car with melted rims (needs 1200 degress) yet not 10 yards behind the car is some landscape shrubbery- still green…WTF?”
UFO, similar to that at Baltimore Key Bridge DEW Attack
BELOW: The “UFO” white streak.
“This same kind of UFO fly-by also happened at Baltimore Key Bridge at exactly the moments that the steel trusses were attacked / superheated to orange-hot.”
Trees Burning from Inside Out
BELOW: Trees burning from their insides-out.
RE: Power line sparks / explosions
BELOW: Explosions / sparks mid-way along power-lines. If power was off, as seems likely, power-lines inductively energized (from the energy in the microwave-blasting DEW) can still spark.
West Trees Igniting Unusually
BELOW: Palm trees igniting first at their wettest part! Microwaves superheat the water molecules by spinning them at high speed causing molecular friction.
RE: Electromagnetic sparkings
BELOW: Van on-fire, sparks thrown from door. Was something being inductively energized by microwave assault?
RE: Water Causes Fire Flare-Up
RE: Reports of ‘no water in the hydrants’
Water pipes were melted underground (by the microwave weaponry). 34:00 in. Just like at Maui / Lahaina, water pressure was kaput.
“So the hoses don’t work up here anymore.” 45:02 into
“the water is also now turned off to much of the fire zone…sounds familiar from Maui”
RE: High winds
The Santa Anna Winds — usually occur in June, summer season.
BELOW: Hurricane-force 85mph wind gusts. Winds are formed electromagnetically. DEW is an electromagnetic weapon.
“Most people aren’t questioning this, they think it’s just Santa Ana winds but they seem stronger. They usually will continue off and on for days in a natural way then subside, suddenly they’ve stopped. As a Los Angeles native I’ve never seen such strength in winds. People need to look up in the skies of Los Angeles, chem trails are constant.”
“I’m in NorCal and we had very strong winds here the last two days as well”
“The weather report called for 40 mph wind. We had 100 mph gust in Pasadena. The wind velocity was unnatural. The most disturbing thing was the sound of explosions every 15 minutes. Nobody could explain where that came from”
RE: Land-grab and Insurance
No banks will give loans without property insurance. There are reports that insurance companies had canceled policies just prior to this DEW attack. Without insurance, no loans, no rebuilding.
“I Heard lots of reports earlier about people’s Insurance being canceled last week”
“Please also Understand; If people are Insured, They are Insured as the Assessed Value which is usually what their mortgage is and was when purchased…These homes have appreciated in value tremendously over the years that they could NEVER afford to rebuild…and when they do the homes will be further assessed at the market values and therefore ENJOY at much Higher Tax Rate of 30% at the newly assessed Value….ONLY THE WEALTHY WILL BE ABLE TO AFFORD TO REBUILD”
“This is what happens when someone wants your land but you won’t sell…..”
RE: Exclusion Keep-Out Zone
“the news is still interviewing homeowner who “mistakenly” still think they are going to be let back in the Palisades area….they don’t realize that will turn into a ZONE that will come into disaster control same way as all the other big fires ……..they may not see their property for a year+…………………….wait until they annex all those homeowners to “keep them safe” and close all mountain roads”
RE: 15-minute city plans — waiting for confirmation.
“on monday morning I took my walk near the Los Angeles river and noticed a beautiful blue sky and to my horror there were many jets painting the skies white–chemtrails following each jet–I thought to myself that they were in a big hurry while they flew-within three hours the sky was a messy white over cast like skies–I was so mad at what was happening—-the next day gusts of wind ravaged my neighborhood which eventually resulted in loss of power blackness enveloped my village-now we have fires all over the place–hmmm makes one think about conspiracy theories —–btw I too noticed military flying over Los Angeles they were scary loud”
“Has anyone noticed the heavy Chem trails being sprayed over the last few days which seems to precede strange events, pressure changes causing high winds and DEW situations.”
“Were there pre-existing redevelopment plans in place before the fire? Like Maui and Paradise.”
“At 11 pm in South Bay, San Diego on Jan. 6 the night before fire I was outside and saw 3 or 4 lasers bars. The air got cold and windy and the sky tiger striped. Tiger stripes moved eastward and the air was restless and full of energy. Then after a while everything calmed down where I was when tiger striped vapors were gone. Next day was fires. They have been spraying skies here about a month straight.”
RE: Mayor out of town / out of country
“The L.A. mayor was out of town—in Ghana, actually—for this. The Lahaina mayor was out of town, off Maui, for their conflagration too, at a conference. Probably a coincidence, but one that should be noted.”
RE: Abandoned cars
“Could cars be made inoperative so the owners abandoned them? A electro pulse would do this!”
RE: Outside of Fire Season
“as a former resident of San Diego for 7 years, I’m familiar with the ‘bushfire/wildfire’ season in the SW corner of California which includes San Diego and LA. From my memory, I recall most of these type of fires hit this area in November or earlier. I can’t recall any happening in December or January. These fire outbreaks in the LA area do not fit that pattern. Maybe Shane or Tracey can look into the timing of this – from a historical perspective. For me it seems that these are not ‘natural’ occurrences but rather – probably – are a result of weather manipulation by you know who.”
RE: Pre knowledge
“Just like Fauci knew the pandemic was coming.”
“deeply Jesuit trained, Vatican tool, just like Biden, Newsom, Pelosi, Trump Half the US Supreme Court and many many others. You are onto the problem root”
“Mayor cut fire dept budget by MILLIONS. But hey, you have a shiney new DEI dept she launched.”
RE: Fireproof Homes, Roofings
“People that live in the bush of Australia, that have “fireproof” homes built, lost thier homes in the last big fire there”
“Get Blue Roofs. These lasers can’t torch homes with blue roofs”
RE: Superheating People and Animals
“Wouldn’t microwave energy be cooking people and animals as well?”
“Yes. Many reporters, indies, etc. note how hot they are. The frequency to spin water molecules (and thus heat wet organics such as people) are likely different from the frequencies being used to heat the metals…not necessarily, but likely. The military, specifically RAYTHEON (whose board of directors is controlled by Jesuits, as noted by ERIC777 youtube), has huge budget and decades to have perfected these weapons. Each new attack is also partly a test, tuning opportunity.”
“Look into the electromagnetic phenomenon called SKIN EFFECT.”
“Hi Traci, have you checked out In2ThinAir YT channel’s radar videos showing a “radar anomaly” that becomes visible above Area 51 and moves to California and the Palisades when the fires start. The title of the video is: PALISADES Wildfire SCARY COINCIDENCE From AREA 51.”
“All the insurance companies cancelling the people’s house insurance recently is very suspect”
“I watched a video of Klaus Schwab saying that Los Angeles would be a 15 minute city by 2030. I was curious as to what type of catastrophic event would potentially wipe out Los Angeles in order for all the residents to be ok with not driving any vehicles as Schwab stated freeways would be made into parks. It’s not the first time so Cal has seen string Santa Ana winds & pretty amazing these fires started right after the winds started.” Very convenient & a little too coincidental if you ask me. Time will tell but I don’t think these fires are from natural causes by any stretch unfortunately.”
“Our weather was perfectly calm a day before the winds kicked up. Then all of a sudden and out of nowhere, we got alerts about “life threatening” winds. I’ve lived here my entire life. I’ve never seen anything like this.”
RE: Gematria — 322 weeks since Paradise, Cali PHYRE
“322 days since paradise fire”
“She probably meant weeks. It will be exactly 322 weeks tonight at midnight. Close enough for government work anyway.”
RE: Psyop & Hopelessness
“”They” dont care if we know. What can we do.”
“Realize this is psychological warfare and understand that the Chaos is organized to create these situations where people NEED help from their assailant. What can we do? Stay alert and know what you stand for. Face it all with as much courage as we can and help as many as we can.”
RE: Opposing Weather Patterns
“”Fire and Ice” The ice storms were and continue to be “enhanced” as well.” East coast is frozen, snowy, more coming.
RE: DIMMING / Dane Wigington
“Doubters, watch The Dimming documentary. It lays it All out”
“beware Wigington is a Jesuit shill, limited-hangout —- NEVER mentions the WHO or tracks the HOW —- for example, ERIC777 youtuber proved Raytheon (maker of DEW) is controlled by Jesuit influence in its board of directors. Jesuits exist to “counter” Protestants and all non-Catholics. Jesuit motto is Go forth and set world on fire. Those are all 100% provable facts, yet Wigington will N E V E R say or pursue those. He’s a limited-hangout shill. Was told about Jesuits decade+ ago.”
RE: Land-grab to build Olympic Village
“Land grab to build Olympic village” (comment via email)
RE: Fires never start in much much much huger National Forests, etc.
It’s always an attack on the homes, vehicles, citizens.
RE: Why not use seawater?
“Is there any reason they don’t take advantage of the sea water to put out these fires? I mean they have an entire ocean at their disposal… What am I missing here?”
“Salt water will ruin the pumps (corrosion), also it’s denser so heavier so harder to spray distance vs fresh water.”