Evidence of DEW San Fernando valley CA Dec 2024
“The upright [steel] posts are what actually appear to be on-phyre.” — Shane, 5:00 in

BELOW: “The upright [steel] posts are what actually appear to be on-phyre.” — Shane, 5:00 in

BELOW: “That’s something we see often: The bases of trees is where the burn starts and ends.” – Traci 6:30 in.

BELOW: DEW blast is electromagnetic which seems to increase energy (and therefore brightness) of nearby lights. Notice there is an unexplained gap in the video footage in which, after the video returns, the supposed fire still had not started; meanwhile, the light on the post immediately to the passenger side of the car inexplicably (except by explanation involving DEW attack) brightens moments before ignition (by microwaves?) of the DEW phyre.

BELOW: Light brightens suddenly, due to excitation and additional energy due to microwave radiation blast of DEW.

BELOW: Within a single video frame (apparently 20 msec elapsed time!) the conflagration bursts forth, intensely, as if ignited by energy blast. Notice that the light, apparently overloaded with energy, suddenly cuts off / burns out.
Regarding the immediacy and fury of the burst: Recall (or research) “Spontaneous Human Combustion” media frenzy from the late 1960s to early 1970s in which numerous cases of SHC were shown on nation-wide television “news”; this seems most likely to have been the introduction and attempted normalization of such madness, inexplicable and impossible except for the involvement of DEW.

BELOW: Shane shows similar “sudden light brightening” due to super-excitation via microwave radiation burst having occurred at the DEW attack in Paradise California in 2018.

BELOW: At 9:13 The tree is, within moments, rapidly fully engulfed by flames. This should have caused the auto-exposure aperture of the video camera to ‘stop-down’ and limit the incoming light from causing visual overload. This ‘stop-down’ action would have caused the in-frame street/parking-lot lights to dim in relation to the increasingly bright flames; however, the lights also appared to have become super-excited, presumably by the microwave radiation blast being applied to the tree.

“regarding lights near DEW strike / ignition point suddenly getting brighter — this exact same anomaly is documented as having occurred in the DEW attack in downtown Nashville ATT facility some years ago; also the light brightening is recorded at the DEW attack on the Georgia Guidestones”
Use comma and period keys to step thru videos, frame-by-frame.

BELOW: Light energy burst corresponds with energy burst that destroys granite of Georgia Guidestones. Microwave DEW is most likely explanation.

Nashville AT&T Explosion DEW Attack — in this case, the attack onslaught is so sudden, the entire video frame goes bright white, either by direct electromagnetic effect upon the camera or else via intensity overload ramp too steep, too swift for the camera electronics to measure, compensate, reduce. Similar insta-burst was recorded at Beirut corn silos / harbor; same at Henderson Nevada PEPCON plant way back in 1988.
The hallmarks of the DEW microwave radiation attacks are always the same. Dresden Germany and possibly the American Civil War also suspected to involve exotic weaponry: Microwave DEW probably in Dresden, though involvement of DEW in the Civil War, of course, would require a different historical reality, possibly something along the lines of the Antiquitech and Mudflood theories evidenced by Michelle Gibson, Jon Levi, Autodidactic and other youtubers.
Regarding the cutting-out of the footage, the alteration of the presentation, the hiding of evidence — that was all normalized in the popular psyche by Watergate’s infamous 18 minutes of missing/erased White House Oval Office audio tape, whose mysterious and unexplained absence Alex Haig attributed to “sinister forces”.
FURIOSITY of the PHYRE is another clue. DEW adds energy, making metals into ignition sources and heating elements adding to the blaze.
Powerlines (copper or aluminum innards) on-phyre are another clue to DEW.

Popping and exploding transformers are another clue to DEW.

Steel belts inside “steel-belted radial tires” are superheated by the microwave radiation of DEW; the superheated steel belts ignite and furiously burn the rubber tires that otherwise require a considerable amount of external heat to burn let alone totally immolate.

Metal gutter ablaze — Again, electromagnetic energy induction from the microwave radiation inherent in DEW induces eddy currents in nearby metals; these eddy currents cause internal friction to the point of superheating the metals; the metal then act to ignite and fuel the phyre of touching and too-nearby combustible materials.

Total immolation. FURIOUS burn. Insta-rust. Wilted steel. Puddled / pooled lava-like flows of aluminum. Glass melted down (due to internal metal powder, made that way to repel infra-red sunlight heating) and/or powderized. The vehicles are inevitably cremated down wholly to steel and white ash — there are no partially burnt vehicles (sometimes, however, there are odd ‘field interference’ patterns, often at door-panel barriers), there is no paint left on any metal surface; there is no black soot remainder of all normal fires involving organic combustible materials; the remaining metals are always rapidly-aged and insta-rusted; often, metals continue to self-degrade ‘too quickly’. For example, a bus photographed twice at WTC on 911 in NYC shows it has remarkably self-degraded within a few hours. These hallmark anomalies appear without fail at all DEW attack sites.

16:07 — “INSTA-RUSTED” — cool! Shane used the word we coined years ago! — The metal surfaces were oxidized [much] faster than they should have been under normal circumstances, and you don’t see that [rapid-aging] in a normal fire.”

The all aluminum body of the trailer itself has been melted away. DEW superheats metals; it also changes the molecular structure of materials, leading to wilting of steel and lava-like pooling and puddling of aluminum. This has been seen this most recently at the DEW attack on the semi at the Baltimore Inner Harbor Tunnel (Dec 2024).
Notice also the whitish/grey ‘smoke’ that is not the expected black sooty smoke but is instead off-gassing of molecular dissociated (and still self-dissociating) material, as witnessed most profoundly on 911 at WTC in NYC (and identified by DR JUDY WOOD in her videos and book WHERE DID THE TOWERS GO).

SOUND THE ALARM is an important book as is BURN BACK BETTER. They detail the Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii burn-down and burn-out and land-grab that was done in appreciable part if not wholly by DEW.