California Wildfires Gematria and Name Game Ology
Destruction and Mockery By The Numbers
Zachary K Hubbard reveals numerous matches with 47 and 53.
33 years since the LA riot fires. Its fitting knowing president 47 is coming up and Rodney king died a 47…..even more mockery of the Flames and Kings hockey game.
LA Kings / Rodney King / King James / Martin Luther King Jr
fires started on Elvis (king of rock) bday
MLK day will fall on Inauguration Day that year, a date that can be written as 20/1 like how “Weather Control” equals 201. Also, the 1994 Northridge Earthquake happened on MLK day January 17, 1994
Winds not wins
I have been noticing in my life (44yo), when Venus comes around, things happen. Sacrifices seems to be the trend! The last time Venus came around, Maui caught on fire (8/8/23). From my past research, the occult is very much into Venus. The L.A. fires begin 74 days before Venus’s transit on 3/22/25. Just as interesting is the 74 weeks between the two fire dates. Very similar events. Also, the Venus cycle is 8 years. 8 years ago, Venus was in the same position. I would guess the cycle starts when Venus reaches 47 degrees in the sky. Which is the case now. The other transits within the cycle do not reach 47 degrees. The greatest elongation for Venus in the dusk sky was on 1/10/25. The “fun” has just begun.
Longer form —

Pacific Palasades is largely Jewish area. Many Jews relocated there after WW2 Holocaust. Holocaust means Burnt Offering. Palasades is central target of the DEW burnings. 2:00 into longform video.
Whats most shocking about Revelation = 121 and apocalypic = 121 is the fact that L is the 12th letter and A is the first. L.A. = 121
Here’s an interesting factoid. the palisades charter school which was engulfed in flames had some cinematic history. The film Carrie was filmed there. The 1977 film was about a young catholic girl (I say catholic because of all the Virgin Mary idolatry). She is obviously almost 18 or 18. The mother could be assumed to be 36 because she appears to have had the child out of wedlock. The mother sees that her daughter has telekinetic powers and that she calls it the devil. I’m sure you’ve seen the film. But the interesting fact here is that the film was filmed at the palisades high school where the fire just so happens to be occurring. For an even more interesting fact is that the film depicts the school engulfed in flames at the 1:11 mark