Evidence of NEXRAD HAARP Area51 Involved in Malibu California FRANKLIN PHYRE

Evidence of NEXRAD HAARP Area51 Involved in Malibu California FRANKLIN PHYRE

Look at those numerous wacky RF beam energy blasts! Absolutely atmospheric modification, weather warfare.


Paradise California, Lahaina, North Carolina, Malibu….abnormal fire activity, no coincidence. Thank y’all for all your discussions, reporting, and research.

4000 acres square is about 200 football fields by 200 football fields ———– W I L D P H Y R E S site has data on all these attacks

13:51: The DEW beam did come from Area 51. The palm trees show the beam went through the palm trunks sideways.

Hello Traci and Shane, I grew up in Malibu in the 1960’s and 1970’s and experienced many annual wildfires. The conditions that will follow when the rainy season hits will be massive rock slides in those canyons that burned…another disaster just waiting to happen…thanks for the excellent updates!

Reminds me of the Dec 2017 Thomas Fire that affected Montecito in Ventura and Santa Barbara counties. A massive fire and then horribly destructive mudflows and mudflood that destroyed 100 homes and 23 people died. Millions of dollars of damage. The mudflood flowed down through the burn scars created by the fire just weeks later in Jan 2018 after a powerful winter storm. Interestingly Oprah Winfrey had a home there and her property was barely affected.


23:50 “The purpose of this”? Hollywood is dead. The houses in Malibu needs refinancing. Follow the money through insurance to Blackrock and Blackstone. Check the DTI on those 40 houses.

Palms burning from inside to out

Small neon indicator bulbs can also light up in the presence of microwaves. Tech Ingredients channel has a 2 part video on “Defeating Microwave Weapons”, which covers some methods of detection and reflection.

Also for your question a few months ago… fires are named after the street thats closest to the inception of the fire! Wherever the fire begins and if not on a street then the closest street … so the microwave fire had begun on the US Gov forestry road that led to the microwave transporter. The Thomas Fire began on Thomas Aquantus School Road in Santa Paula CA. … the Lahaina fire must’ve began on the Lahaina Hwy or some road with the name Lahaina in it it’s not because it was in the city of Lahaina.. xo thanks for your help! My dad’s an LAFD Captain for 40+ years

Rural areas can also name fires after well known locations or landmarks, mostly because public roads don’t exist or go wind hundred of miles though hills and valleys without an intersection to pinpoint them further. We can have a Rock Fire, Green Fire, Frog Fire, Ranch Fire, Grade Fire, etc. Gets interesting when fires are turned into attacks because often most of the fire is forgotten. The “Santa Rosa Fire” was actually the Tubbs Fire that began dozens of miles away from the attacked Coffey Park Santa Rosa neighborhood, the “Paradise Fire” was actually the Camp Fire which also began dozens of miles from Paradise and the “Greenville Fire” was actually the Dixie Fire that began over 1000 miles from Greenville. Still haven’t found a logical answer on why these attacks aren’t more accurate for many of their targets and/or how the fires are controlled for such massive distances before hitting their targets. Nobody seems to question it.Show less

Water is superheated into steam by microwaves. Best bet is to pour blue paint and/or spread out blue tarp. Blue items seemed to have survived in Lahaina absolutely untouched.

The “ion cannon” in action again.

ION GUN is different; its use involves the HUTCHISON EFFECT — here, presumably, no such heavy physics was needed; only a simply microwave blaster, which is Raytheon / Drone speciality. HUTCHISON is involved when matter needs to be destroyed, as in the dustification of the WTC towers. Brookhaven Natl Labs ION GUN is 61.1 miles exactly from WTC (911 upside-down and backwards). It’s also at an angle of 119 degrees and headquartered in building #911 on the BNL campues. RE OKC Murrah, Fermilab ION GUN is 666 miles away also in direct line-of-sight. At Pentacon, NIST ION GUN is 19.47 miles exactly away (1947 important year in Pentacon life). These monsters leave hallmark numerology all over their prey. Got this from WILDPHYRES site.

Agenda 2030

Reminds me of the Thomas fire in Montecito in Dec 2017. Soon afterward a powerful winter storm in Jan 2018 created mudflows and a mudflood that destroyed 100 homes and killed 23 people. The mudflood flowed down through the burn scars. Interestingly, Oprah Winfrey has a home there, worth $90 million, that was barely affected by the disaster at the property line.

The center of the grate at 20:20 marks a line that people don’t know about. It’s spiritual but completely relavent to everything happening now.

MIND MEME — One acre is approximatly equivalent to one football field (including only one end-zone).

Listen to Art Bell, Nick Begich HAARP

Total area is 200 football fields by 200 football fields.

“Everything around every house burned, but less than 10 houses burned.” ~6:15

Firenadoes / Fire Vortices noted at 7:50 in

Grey / black smoke noted at 8:20

Explosions noted at 9:20 — propane tanks did not explode — no big booms heard. Footage confirms no big booming explosions.

BELOW: Immolation too total for a mostly metal vehicle. Where’s the fuel?? The metal itself is superheated by microwave DEW attack; understood in this reality, everything is instantly perfectly explained.

BELOW: Glowing too brilliantly, no flames. The wood itself is being superheated, perhaps by microwaves superheating water under surface of the tree. The leaves should have been totally gone long before this brilliant immolation.

BELOW: Sheriff’s car — “…really unusual damage because the hood is gone and the engine is kind of like ‘dropped’.” ~11:50 ALSO UNUSUAL IS THAT THERE IS NO FIRE NOR PHYRE. Vehicle was spared total immolation. Remainder of vehicle untouched.

BELOW: Unusual burn patterns, starting in middle of trees, not at bottom nor top.


BELOW: “It almost looks like an electrical transformer…sparking…like it’s being [externally] energized.”

BELOW: No wind. No ember blown up, sideways nor down. Tree frond spontaneously ignites into ember.

BELOW: Ground blackened, possibly via PROJECT MINOS, but shrubs have dried but unburned leaves.

Water-loving trees near creeks, streams often the most burned, from the inside-out.

A gentle, firey nudge to push people off the land sprawl and into the cities.

The 40 or so houses that burned, likely P.Diddy sextape backup hoards…just guessing.

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